KAIST Coin Karaoke Reports Spring Survey Results

2019-11-20     Juhoon Lee Senior Staff Reporter

The KAIST Coin Karaoke has released the spring semester survey results regarding the operation and maintenance of the KAIST Coin Karaoke. The survey collected opinions from a total of 125 students and revealed the public opinion on the effectiveness of the new features and further improvements to be made.

KAIST Coin Karaoke was first established in 2017 under the jurisdiction of the KAIST Student Welfare Committee and has become a frequented destination of KAIST students for leisurely use. The facilities have gone through a few major changes over the years, including improvements to amenities and amendments to policies.

Last spring saw the addition of new bill exchange machines after numerous complaints about their lack of change and frequent jamming. 75% of survey respondents stated that they found the new machines to be (very) satisfactory. The results also showed a strong dissatisfaction with the hygiene of the facilities, as evidenced by 56% stating that they were (very) dissatisfied with the air quality. The recently placed air purifiers seemed to be mostly ineffective, as evidenced by only 38% stating that they were (very) satisfied with them, while 27% were (very) dissatisfied. On the other hand, a majority of the students (68%) stated that the air quality (significantly) improved after ventilation systems were installed.

The operations team running the KAIST Karaoke stated that the air quality issue seemed to be the most frequent grievance as the internal ventilation of the rooms was inadequate. It further explained that it will look into installing semi-permanent dehumidifiers to address the chronic issue of high humidity.

Students also criticized the recurrent breakdown of the karaoke equipment such as remotes and mikes. The operations team suggested buying extra mikes to deal with such concerns immediately. Lastly, students almost unanimously agreed (93%) that they were (very) satisfied with the new card key system, which prevents the misuse of the facilities by outsiders.

The KAIST Coin Karaoke team stated that it will put effort into solving the problems and try to keep a more thorough and frequent maintenance of the in-campus karaoke facilities for the upcoming semesters.