The KAIST Herald is the official English newspaper of KAIST, responsible for reporting the most important news on campus, as well as representing the diverse international community of KAIST. Every month, we publish in-depth coverage of the current events and issues of KAIST, cultural activities around the region, and social commentaries on topics from all over the world.

Its numerous benefits include but are not limited to:

ㆍ A front seat in investigating and reporting on key KAIST issues
ㆍ A close-knit group of alumni, senior, and junior staff reporters
ㆍ Interviews and contacts with high-ranking officials, professors, visiting lecturers, and other influential figures
ㆍ Office located on the 1F of the undergraduate student library, complete with computers, a TV, and helpful upperclassmen
ㆍ A monthly wage for your work and reimbursements for office supplies you buy

If you have any questions, please contact the KAIST Herald through email at (

We will also have a virtual open clubroom on September 1, 8 PM! Take this opportunity to hear about the experiences of our editors and heads, as well as to ask your own questions about The KAIST Herald. Tune in via Facebook Live on our page!

You can also check our social media:

Apply here:


Jaymee Palma,
Editor-in-Chief of The KAIST Herald

Copyright © The KAIST Herald Unauthorized reproduction, redistribution prohibited