Continuing from Part 1 of the interview last month, Professor Jinjoon Lee discusses his vision for art.

Professor Jinjoon Lee.
Professor Jinjoon Lee.

As a new media artist, your work largely intersects with the realm of technology. How do you think that KAIST and other tech institutions in Korea should expand to the art sector?

As someone deeply involved in the confluence of art and technology, I see immense potential for institutions like KAIST to play a pivotal role in nurturing this interdisciplinary sphere. With my experience as the organizing chair of the International AI ART Symposium at KAIST and affiliations with entities like the Korea Creative Contents Academy, I believe there are several concrete steps that can be taken.

First and foremost, education should be the foundation. KAIST and similar institutions should offer specialized curricula that bridge the gap between art and technology. This could be realized through courses that combine artificial intelligence, data science, and material science with elements of visual arts, music, and storytelling. 

Secondly, we need dedicated research hubs similar to what I've observed in institutions abroad, like the Creative AI Lab at the Serpentine Galleries [in the UK]. Such centers would not just be “labs” in a conventional sense but rather ecosystems that foster a symbiosis between technical prowess and artistic endeavor. These hubs could serve as platforms for artists and technologists to co-create, experiment, and innovate.

Thirdly, partnerships between tech institutions and existing art organizations can lead to a richer, more nuanced field of study and practice. From my interactions with the likes of Kay Watson, who leads the Creative AI Lab at the Serpentine Gallery; Richard Kurin, a distinguished scholar and cultural anthropologist at the Smithsonian; and the late Peter Weibel, who was a seminal figure at ZKM | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, it's clear that global partnerships can significantly enrich the local ecosystem. Joint exhibitions, symposiums, and public lectures can serve as viable platforms for knowledge exchange and mutual growth.

Lastly, the focus should also be on social and cultural impact. New media art has the power to not just create aesthetically pleasing work but also address complex societal issues. Technology can amplify this impact, and academic institutions should offer platforms where such socially impactful projects can be developed and showcased.

How would you like to see art at KAIST develop in the future?

In the future, I envision KAIST emerging as a beacon for the seamless integration of art, science, and technology. While KAIST has already achieved global recognition in fields like engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence, incorporating a strong art program could be the next logical and transformative step. This would not merely be an adjunct or elective track but an integral part of the core curriculum. To be specific, we could start by offering interdisciplinary courses that tie elements of art, design thinking, and aesthetic philosophy into existing STEM courses. The idea is to foster an educational ecosystem where students learn to apply their scientific knowledge in artistic ways and vice versa. This “cross-pollination” of ideas could lead to innovation at the nexus of these disciplines. Workshops, seminars, and even specialized “culture technology” labs could serve as platforms for students and faculty to collaborate on projects that bridge the gap between these two seemingly disparate fields. Whether it's developing software for virtual galleries, using AI to understand human creativity, or applying mathematical principles to visual design, the possibilities are vast and invigorating. 

Additionally, I see an opportunity for KAIST to collaborate with international art institutions for faculty exchange programs, research partnerships, and student internships. Such alliances would not only enrich our educational offerings but also place KAIST on the map as a progressive, forward-thinking institution. Given that we are in an era where technology pervades all aspects of life, the importance of understanding its broader implications is critical. Art, with its ability to probe the “unfathomable”, can provide the much-needed depth and breadth to our understanding of technology's impact on society. And let's not forget the “unfathomable”, those elements of human experience that evade easy explanation. While our scientific endeavors aim for clarity and quantifiable results, art offers us a way to explore the intricacies, mysteries, and indefinable aspects of existence. As we stand on the cusp of technological advancements that could redefine what it means to be human, giving space for the unfathomable within our educational paradigm becomes not just a luxury but a necessity. Overall, by embedding art education into its DNA, KAIST has the opportunity to break free from traditional academic boundaries, producing graduates who are not just technically competent but also socially aware, ethically grounded, and creatively inspired. And it is precisely this type of education that the world needs right now.

Please give any advice to students at KAIST who are willing to pursue art. 

I offer this advice: Pursue your creative instincts fearlessly, and let your art be a reflection of your unique perspective on the world. Don't be confined by traditional boundaries; instead, use your technical strengths as a creative asset to explore new realms of artistic expression. Embrace intellectual risk, be a lifelong learner, and seek interdisciplinary collaborations that challenge and enrich your work.

Remember that your work can be a force for change, so create with social consciousness and share your wisdom with others. Maximize your platforms for influence and feedback, and, above all, maintain enduring resilience and mindful patience in your artistic endeavors. Your pursuit of art at the intersection of technology is a journey of boundless possibilities — stay true to your vision, take risks, and let your creativity flourish.

Please tell us anything you would like to add.

As we stand on the precipice of this new era, the words of Lewis Mumford, an American historian and philosopher, continue to resonate:

“Why have we become technological gods and moral devils, scientific supermen and esthetic idiots?”

In this age of unprecedented technological advancement, it is crucial that we, as creators and innovators, tread carefully and reflect deeply on the implications of our work. We must harness our technical prowess not just for the sake of progress, but with the wisdom and responsibility that Mumford spoke of. 

Art, in its most profound form, has always been a reflection of the human spirit. It is a language that communicates with our emotions, experiences, and existential journeys. Can a machine, devoid of consciousness and human touch, genuinely partake in this intimate dance of creation? I find myself pondering these questions as I gaze upon the recent world.

To navigate this novel landscape, we, as humans, must embrace AI's potential while maintaining a profound appreciation for the "humanity" at the core of all creativity. As we transition into the era of AI, we can look forward to a future for art that is rich, diverse, and exciting, marked by a vibrant fusion of human and artificial creativity. Alongside this evolution, the ability to create or appreciate art will become the ultimate hallmark of a person. 

Now I cannot help [but] say to KAIST students that it's time to return to "poetry",  to read verse, to teach it, in order to unlock the words that our souls long to reach.

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